KOT:Armored Dodongo

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Earth Temple B1, Earth Temple B2



A 9-foot long, gecko-like lizard, that is covered it blackish plates. Its vulnerable Tail is under weaker armor covering said tail.


It is usually found alone or in pairs. -When it's inhaling shooting a bomb in its mouth does 2 HP damage to it. -If you hit its tail with a bomb twice while it has its armor on it will remove the armor covering its tail. Once you remove the armor on it's tail -Boomerang stuns it. -Hookshot stuns it. -You can slash at its weak point that is its tail with a sword, Bombs damage its tail too. -You can shoot its tail with arrows to damage it. Fire arrows aren't able to inflict fire damage, and ice arrows freeze it.



2 HP It backs up and then charges at you, if it misses you then it may hit a wall and stun itself. If it's charging it will break small objects and some stronger objects as well.

Fire Breath

1.75 HP Damage It inhales and then prepares to breath a stream of fire.

Bulwark Defenses

More of a defensive ability. It can only be used when its tail plate is removed. It curls up into a ball for a short amount of time.