London She-Wolf
Gina Fleece
Nationality: British/Scottish
Alias: She-Wolf
Origin: Manchester,England
Height: 5.7
Age/DoB: 22XX (death/killed at age 18)
Affiliation: WOLFP4CK (Member and Co-Leader)
Former ally to Butch after her brother's group disbanded from Butch. Soon helping out Flo Daggers for her cause when their friends in England were killed by The Red Ghost.
Similar appearance to her brother, but sports clothing that is fit for a "lady" in England. Other parts to her clothing is a bit steampunkish, with her hat having all sorts of small gadgets sticking out of it. She has dark red hair and Green eyes. Gina's Scottish accent is quite heavy compared to her brother who is more towards the British accent.
She died alongside her brother while putting up a fight, most likely gunned down by Butch's men. Nobody or traces of anyone who died in that confrontation was ever recovered, nor did anyone managed to investigate the area.