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Jona Barotelius

Alias: Zegma, The Zombie, Le Morto, Scar, Morty

Nationality: Hispanic (Mexican)

Origin: Guerrero, Mexico

Age/DoB: 22XX

Group: Scar's Gang, White Dragon

Jona Barotelius, also known as Zegma, is a Mexican thief, who took up an undead-like persona to strike fear into his opponents and or victims.


Zegma knows basic fighting styles only just to get by, he often sues objects in his surrounds as a weapon. Zegma grew up in a household whereas his mother was a gardener and Herbalist. He learned to mix plants and herbs, making medicine, as he gre older, he creates mixtures in order to drug and or make his victim go to sleep. Zegma was never killer, he often drives his victim insane, or in deaden fear. Zegma is also a musician, when he joined White Dragon, he got along with DJ Nadi.

The past of Jona Barotelius

Learning the Guitar

When Jona was younger, he lived with his mother and father in a small village in Mexico. His father often tells him scary stories so that he will behave, however, it came to a point where he calmed Jona's down by playing music on his guitar. Jona was interested in his father's Guitar and learned to play on his own.

Aside from learning to play music, Jona aided his mother grow plants for medicine, fruits and vegetables in order to support the family because Jona's dad was also disabled, not being able to move both his legs.

Passing of his father, supporting the family

As Jona grew older, his father had past away, this was when Jona's mother revealed to him that his father was a solider, and had suffered badly, resulting in his disability. The death of his father made his mother grow weak, so Jona took it upon himself to make money for his mother, and his sister, who had been had his grandmother's house for some time now.

It was very hard for Jona to make money, so he used his musical skills to make only some cash.

However on evening, Jona made a large some of cash and took it back home, only to have been followed by thugs, resulting in him being beaten, along with his mother. After the beating, the house had been ransacked, as for Jona's mother, she was beaten badly by the thugs, but his sister was safe, she hid under her bed. Seeing his mother in such bad shape, Jona and his sister carried the beaten woman to a nearby Hospital in Mexico where she was kept there and treated. Jona had been warned by the nurse aids that if she is not to pay up soon, in a matter of weeks, his mother could be kicked out. Jona told his sister to stay by his mother's side as he goes on to find another way to make money.

Join those who had beaten him

Jona took a plank of wood with him and hunted down the thugs who had beaten his mother. He managed to find them. They taunted Jona saying that he is still bloody from the beating earlier, and this time they would kill him, however, Jona got the upper hand and beat the 3 thugs, so enraged, and threaten to kill them, saying it isn't about money anymore. The thug's leader named Scar, saw this and made an offer to Jona, if he is to work for him for a bit, he will pay for his mother's bills. Jona quickly took the offer, however, he stated what will the people think of him now that he ahd sided with gang members, and Scar simply told him to put on a "mask" and strike fear, not revealing himself.

Jona, Le Morto (Morty)

Jona took on the man Morty. Before any job comes up and rests next to his father's grave telling him that he is sorry and carries out his job. Jona took on a zombie-like appearance to strike fear on to his victims and earned himself a title with the gang. Soon Jona discovered that one of the gang members tried to sexual harass his sister unknowingly, so he took it upon himself to drug the man who did it, almost killing him in the process, when Scar found out, he stopped paying for Jona's mother and had his men try to kill Jona. When Jona found out, he took up a dagger and went after each of his former gang members in the middle of the night, 1 by 1.

This resulted in Jona trying to get his sister and mother out of Mexico, so he went to Cancun to find his uncle and had his sister and mother stay with him in the Hotel he owned. After this, Jona went after Scar, who tried to escape Mexico. Scar was successful in doing so, leaving Jona to the authorities who see him as a murderer, the New Scar.

Invitation to White Dragon

3 years later, Scar was nowhere to be found, Jona's sister and mother now reside in USA with his uncle, and Jona himself became one of the most wanted criminals in Mexico. His crimes this time did not consist of murder, but robbery, and drugging his victims. Often such acts led to police chasing him to where Jona had been shot in the arm as he fled to the foggy cemetery where his father had been buried.

As the police fell back, Jona, now calling himself, Zegma during that time, discover that the wound had healed up unexpectedly, to his surprise he thinks that he has the ability to regenerate his wounds. This drove Zegma into doing research about himself, soon haing been invited anonymously by a member of White Dragon, where his research paved him a way to Old Japan, and a new job that is waiting for him.

Upon arrival to Old Japan, Zegma, along with a few others were greeted by a man by the name of Boshiku, who told him what they are to do as an assignment. Among the members were Beast-Lee and DJ Nadi, who dubbed Zegma as the silent zombie. Nadi has gotten Zegma's attention when during their break she played her old guitar where Zegma joined her. Zegma himself doesn't know as much English, but tend to mix it with his Spanish when speaking to someone, however, he understood some English. Zegma was successful as a White Dragon when he kidnapped one of James' allies and tried to drug him, claiming he is capable of turning the boy into a zombie, however, he had been defeated by James and Jordan who were in disguise on the beaches of Old Japan.

Zegman fights James and Company again when Boshiku had been defeated, only to side with them, along with the others, afterwards when they realize that the true leader of White Dragon had used their DNA in order to copy their abilities. After the events in Old Japan, Zegma told James and friends that they had paved a path for him, however, he realized what he must do to start anew, to hunt down Scar.

Finding Scar

New Life in Mexico

The Medicine Man

A visit from James

Discovering what he really is

During Sheer's Reign

Battling with The Karvner Weapon

Sheer wanted contacted Dr. Karvner who had hid in Mexico about the weapon to use against James and the others. Karvner was able to capture a Trooper, turning him into a weapon of destruction. He tested the weapon in Mexico, which got the attention of Zegma who was caring for the people there. The cyborg targeted Zegma as a threat, along with his sister. The siblings fought the cyborg, which resulted in the fire that started in the small village. Zegma's sister took off to have the villager evacuate. Zgema continued to fight only to be impaled in the heart by the cyborg, who was probably the first of Karvner's creation to kill a Full-Dragni in combat. Karvner retrieve his cyborg, along with the nearby corpses in the village, including Zegma's corpse. When Karvner discovered this, he studied Zegma's corpse to find out that he has some regeneration ability, soon he palced the body in a morgue, having Andrew and Walkner Vile wacth over the hideout while he goes to the United Kingdom to speak with gang lord, Sheer.

Reanimation, lost memory

Zegma's body had been kept in a morgue for sometime within the Karvner Facility, whereas Andrew had taken interest in Zegma's corpse. Due to Zegma's ability to regenerate despite it is unknown whenever he is really dead or just in a coma like state, however, his system had completely shut down, his ability still lives on in him. Andrew assist Vile in making Zegma into an android to use against James. Replacing the deaden blood inside his body with liquid fluids and an addition of bio-mechanical parts of both Karvner and Sarcosa, making Zegma a hybrid android. The revive Zegma looks more zombified, with an addition of robotic parts.

Zegma, now a robotic zombie went on a rampage in the hideout, only to have Andrew control the beast using a slave chip, embedded in it's leg. Andrew astonish by this decided to take the undead Zegma with him to use against James, leaving Vile behind.

James vs Andrew and his undead

Andrew lured James into a cemetery, having his robots attack James as he progressed, soon he fought James himself only to be defeated. After this he released Zegma to fight James. James shocked at what have became of Zegma, he sees that Zegma is no longer human and fought him. Zegma tried to kill James, however, James tried to put Zegma out of his misery by impaling him in is chest with his Katanas, not wanting to cut him open, he pulled out his swords and Zegma dropped to the ground he shouted out I am Zegma in Spanish and apparently dies. Andrew tried to grab Zegma only to have the fluids dripping out of him burn up his face with an odd chemical. James question Andrew if he was responsible for Zegma being this way and he laughed saying that Zegma had been a zombie this whole time, even adding smart remarks about his death, this made James angry, however, he had been grabbed by the undead Zegma again and Zegma had bitten James.

James had collapses, giving Andrew and Zegma time to run, however, Andrew ahd left with a scarred up face. James reawakens and makes his way to Caveboy, who joked with James that he isn't going to turn into an undead, Dragni's are not capable of that. He added how is it the dead was to come back to life, at this Caveboy added that there use to be illegal was of mimicking a resurrection, however, the government that started the project shut it down firing all the scientist and researchers. After Caveboy started another one of his complex letures about Science, James began to worry about Zegma.

As with why Zegma bite James, like extracting venom from a snake, Zegma dropped a sleeping toxic which was able to affect Dragnis and extracted a blood sample from James, in which Karvener, who returned from the United Kingdom to make his Cyborg copy the abilities of James himself. Knowing that the Gang Lords who reside in the United Kingdom would be pleased to ehar about the death of The Green Samurai who had ruin their plans time and time again.

Reawakening and Sacrifice

As James, his brother Jason, Tyrome, DJ, the first line of attack, accompanied by the rest of the heroes confronted a military Warship in the Indian Ocean, which had been taken over by Karvner and company. Zgema, had been release to fight the group, soon to have The Karvner Weapon known as Sai to fight James and the others. Sai targeted James only, and the two began to fight. Zegma was left to fight Jason, James' twin brother, who defeated Zegma and cut him up, destroying the slave chip that was inside of him. Zegma's rage had stopped and as he looked at Jason, he called him James, revealing that Zegma had been restored of his memories. He looked around to see James fighting Sai and helped James in battle, soon he was fighting one on one with his assassinatior, Sai. Karvner didn't want to lose so he had the Warship sink into the Ocean. As the others escaped, Zegma dragged Sai to the depths and the two continued to fight as the Warship was underwater, never to been seen again.

James called Zegma a hero, reminiscing about how the 2 first met, and how tides had changed in Old Japan. James then mourned his death, not knowing he is still alive.