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These events took place 180 years before main plot. SWAT's story in 2080.
*These events took place 180 years before main plot. SWAT's story in 2080.
*Ayumi was able to kill Vita and Fe'Lora due to injuring them with a bullet. The reason for this is because Ayumi's father had committed suicide, when he himself was a half-dragni. That same night, the young Ayumi witnessed her father about to kill himself, and glance at her in the dark with ominous monster-like eyes staring at her. The bullet he used was strong enough to pierce through extremely durable skin that Dragni's are known for, but for Half-Dragni's it is a bit weaker.
*Ayumi was able to kill Vita and Fe'Lora due to injuring them with a bullet. The reason for this is because Ayumi's father had committed suicide, when he himself was a half-dragni. That same night, the young Ayumi witnessed her father about to kill himself, and glance at her in the dark with ominous monster-like eyes staring at her. The bullet he used was strong enough to pierce through extremely durable skin that Dragni's are known for, but for Half-Dragni's it is a bit weaker. This also lead for Ayumi to develop a hatred, racist hatred towards Dragnis, thinking that her father became one because of them.
*Ayumi's hatred for Dragni turns into fear and regret when Lance reveals himself to be a Dragni to her years after the estate raid. this opened her up to reveal that weapons were made to kill Dragnis in question, judging by her others notes, for her late father was against Dragni's mainly the ones the Yakyuza had protected, until he became one himself through time, not even knowing he was one of them.
*Vitarius' legacy lives on in Boshiku, even having the same personality and a few features of Vita, expect he is dressed in all white.
*Vitarius' legacy lives on in Boshiku, even having the same personality and a few features of Vita, expect he is dressed in all white.
*It is rumored that Fe'Lora's legacy lives on with an unknown offspring. Boshiku, having the sub-conscious of Vitarius, knows where the offspring is located, who was born in Old Japan and taken to France.
*It is rumored that Fe'Lora's legacy lives on with an unknown offspring. Boshiku, having the sub-conscious of Vitarius, knows where the offspring is located, who was born in Old Japan and taken to France.

Latest revision as of 14:25, 9 December 2014

New Kyushu City

In the year 2080, a tip lead Japanese police department about the billionaire genius, Leon St. Marc II, a French-Japanese and former Engineer, had been taken hostage within his own estate. This tip had been given by a couple who were on a private jet, who were sight-seeing in the city, they added, that they used a scope to see people holding guns, patrolling the area, suspecting to be a terrorist group. The first line of defense was to send in Special Assault Team (特殊急襲部隊Tokushu Kyūshū Butai?), also known as Japanese SWAT. The group that had been send out were groups 5,6, and 7, with 7 being Ayumi Saito’s group, and 6 being Barret Steelbound.

All 3 teams were boarded the trucks and were on their way to the Estate. Barret began talking to The Rookie (Lance), who was with team 7, however, the two, along with other SWAT had been interrupted by Ayumi during the ride, and stating new anchors had already found out about what is going on and are 200 meters away from the Estate. The SWAT viewed the breaking news via hologram, only for the news to be interrupted by a man who calls himself Vitarius Me’Lion, who threaten anyone who tried to enter the estate, saying that he will have the hostages killed, even St. Marc II, and continued to introduce the name of the group contesting the estate known as White Dragon.

Breaching the Estate

Eventually the group arrived at the estate and all 3 teams separate with different members. Ayumi teamed up with Yula and Tanaka. As for Lance and Barret, Ayumi told them to regroup with her, so the two had to silently pick off enemies to reach her; there methods were non-lethal. Once the two showed up, Tanaka informed them that the White Dragon group are trying to be like terrorist, and that they inject some form of virus into a few of their members, so they could do their bidding, like a mind-control drug, he continues to say that the virus is capable of controlling/manipulating humans and or technology. After hearing this, a SWAT member confronted the group with a White Dragon girl, who had recovered from the virus. Ayumi told everyone to switch to mini-tranquilizers and pulse shot rounds instead of bullets, lasers and or plasma.

Leon St. Marc II’s Estate (small high-rise)

Ayumi and co had to breach the Estate, only to be ambushed by gun fire, however, Zanato appeared and disarmed the gunmen and rendered them unconscious. He told Ayumi he overheard what she said and that anyone having the virus in them have a greenish pigment on their skin.

After this confirmation, Ayumi and the others fought their way to the lobby, only for White Dragon members to cut the power and enable night vision, gunning down SWAT teams in cover. As they try to move up, Lance was able to fire plasma rounds randomly, enough to give SWAT a glimpse of their targets, and they managed to hit them with tranquilizers. Tanaka continued forward with Barret in hopes of activating the power, leaving Ayumi, Yula, Zanato and Lance behind. Tanaka had been successful, and went to meet with the others. A White Dragon member showed up and shot an rpg close by, causing Lance and Yula to collapse to the floor below.

Lance and Yula had been separated from the others, and Lance had passed out for about 20 minutes. During that time, Yula managed to spot an injured SWAT member and kept him hidden from White Dragon gunmen. Lance woke up and tried to look for Yula, defeating the gunmen in the process. He eventually finds her and hugs her saying he is not going to lose anyone here tonight, even her. The 3 had to navigate the basement, with gunmen lurking around every corner, eventually finding the hidden chambers down below.

The fight with Fe’Lora Me’Leon

As for the others, who were still on the second floor, they had to deal with Fe’Lora, who had enough just enough energy to deal with members of the SWAT team. She defeats each of them despite being exhausted from fighting other SWAT members, and left them for dead. But Ayumi and the others were strong; she was immobilized because Fe’Lora broke her right arm during the fight, so she had to use her good arm to continue the mission. Barret, was injured, but still moving, Tanaka suffered a few injuries, Zanato was nowhere to be found, for he had been separated after the RPG was shot as well.

The basement shootout

Lance, Yumi and the SWAT member managed to stumble on to a shootout, where White Dragon members were using plasma best weapons in prototype form, the SWAT member began shooting with his plasma rifle, trying and was able to kill the non-infected gunmen, remembering what Zanato had said about the skin tone. Lance rushed forward and defeated the remaining gunmen, the ones who were infected and disarmed them. They managed to reach the others, who found Zanato fighting Vitarius. Vitarius spotted Lance and his team on the left and Ayumi and her team on the right. He told them that they are just in time for the show, and he throws Zanato into a wall, paralyzing him in the process.

The fighting the twins

Vitarius asks if anyone is willing to surrender and be subjects to a greater cause, only to have Ayumi respond to him and she attempted to shot Vitarius, to which the bullet had no effect. Vitarius laughed and told her that he is part of something special, that he is a Dragni. Ayumi started to suffer from PTSD, for she had feared such a kind, thinking about her father being one, and at the same time felt anger, and hatred for Dragnis. Before she could do anything. Vitarius sent his sister after them, and Lance lunged into battle with Vitarius, who quickly pulled out a sword to fight him, for Lance had only a dagger in his possession. Over the course of the fight, Fe’Lora had fallen from unknown means; this pissed Vitarius off and pushed his limits, which stressed Lance to defend the others, for him secretly a Dragni himself. Lance had nearly been killed by Vitarius, however, he was shot by a Ayumi. Vitarius was shocked because no bullet could have penetrated his skin, and realized that even as a Dragni, he was still also human, revealing him to be a half-Dragni, like his sister and Lance.

Death of The Me'Lion Twins

Vitarius was bleeding out badly; only on to the center of his stomach of where he was shot as his blood was dripping all over the place. He told them that his legacy will continue for his generation that of his sister, would continue to leave on, that a new life both Dragni and machine would live on; secretly implying the fact that Fe’Lora was actually a mother of someone’s child. He walked towards his dying sister, Fe’Lora and he dropped to his knees and held her, and she died. He made a statement to the SWAT team that after they find the so called hostage, they are to never mention a word of such to anyone, just to state that a gang had taken over. He also added how Japan law has respect for the will of the good and the bad, and told the SWAT team to have the bodies of his sister and him vaporized, a shared will of the siblings. Vitarius started coughing up blood and began laughing; saying that SWAT had already failed for their future generation will suffer for their mistakes for IT has seen all in its infancy. Vitarius had fell to his side and died, with a confident creepy grin on his face. Ayumi, still in fear and anger, started crying and told her team to respect them, for it is the law of Old Japan, regardless of one’s status, for positive harmless wills are to be taken regardless.

Finding the dying St. Marc II

After the mysterious death of the siblings, Ayumi told him to check the next room, and for the others to help Zanato, and do a clean-up. Lance entered the next room alone with a pistol in hand. He stumbled upon a laboratory. He discovered works beyond real. A voice echoed to him joking that this could perhaps be the work of aliens. Lance followed where that voice was coming from and spotted St. Marc II sitting with his hand on the side of his stomach. He told Lance if he is here to rescue him, to which Lance stated yes. St. Marc II told Lance he had been shot and is about to die, he moved his hand away, revealing a plasma shot wound to his abdomen. He told Lance that this android that is in sleep mode witnessed everything as if it was dreaming, he added, he made an android that has feels, capable of knowing, seeing, hearing, thinking for itself. He joked, that the android refers to him has father. He told Lance for the people to not alter his “child” for this android began to remind him of his past life, with his late-wife, who died during a car-jacking. He also told Lance to bring him these 3 crystal vials so he could implant them into his android, and his last words were completed, to which the android shook a bit and said father, and glanced at Lance before it was shut down by St. Marc II.

Lance did not realize Yula was in the room. Yula told Lance that what they to do, adding that they’re just high ranking cops are. Lance who felt sorry for St. Marc II had scientist throw everything from that round into SL117, a sea storage facility off the coast of Old Japan.

It took time for Lance to get this to happen. During those days, St. Marc II’s body had been transported and buried at Yanaka Cemetery. His funeral had as many as 1000+ visitors, who said that he was the light of Japan’s tragic corruption that was still in effect.

Erasing history and the real criminal in secret

The android and all of St. Marc II’s word had been sealed away in the catacomb of a facility of SL117. To this day, the source of the virus remains unknown. As for surviving White Dragon members, some of them were arrested and some managed to escape to other countries. On the news it was stated that the gang members assassinated St. Marc II and forced hostages to fight for them. To SAT/SWAT, it was a victory, however, in truth; St. Marc II was the real villain, and leader of The White Dragon. The virus was a proto-type serum that affects humans and machines, and it could be turned into a gas.

The 3 crystals placed inside the android enables it to awaken from hibernation at any given time and continue St. Marc’s work for him, one fo them being an AI sub-conscious of St. Marc II.

After 135 years, Boshiku appeared and is now end of White Dragon, but briefly puts the crown on someone else, he is supposedly following. 10 years later, bits of the virus had been released, which caused people to go crazy, looting, rioting, etc. Machines being haywire to the point of no repair, ATMs spitting out money and so on. 5 years more, people started to hide away from parts of Tokyo, making use of force-fields and barriers, thinking that this unknown virus could be airborne and they are ready to capture White Dragon agents that roam the areas. The Android was named SM#682050, code-name Shouboku. Shouboku had awaken slightly and is able to slowly move about, however, it is not at 100% with energy levels to take action.

Boshiku saw noticed this and bought time for Shouboku, and the plan was simple. Shouboku, who was an android with feelings, blamed the death of his “father” on the residence of Japan, and it plans to have all infected with the virus so they're not only easy to manipulate, but become big visible targets for when Shouboku emerges from SL117, which is now a sea level HQ for the android.

every move Shouboku makes, even if it is extremely slow due to suffering from prologue hibernation, its body sends a faint eerie wave that could be picked up as encrypted code, a code that cannot be broken by anyone and it leaches on to any nearby device, which could be transmitted further off Japan, weakening each time it reaches another device. This resulted in it reaching America, and Dark Skull was able to track it for he had gotten this weaken, eerily code by mere chance.

This is where the Cybernetic Threat in Japan story line starts, with Dark Skull leaving for Old Japan.


  • These events took place 180 years before main plot. SWAT's story in 2080.
  • Ayumi was able to kill Vita and Fe'Lora due to injuring them with a bullet. The reason for this is because Ayumi's father had committed suicide, when he himself was a half-dragni. That same night, the young Ayumi witnessed her father about to kill himself, and glance at her in the dark with ominous monster-like eyes staring at her. The bullet he used was strong enough to pierce through extremely durable skin that Dragni's are known for, but for Half-Dragni's it is a bit weaker. This also lead for Ayumi to develop a hatred, racist hatred towards Dragnis, thinking that her father became one because of them.
  • Ayumi's hatred for Dragni turns into fear and regret when Lance reveals himself to be a Dragni to her years after the estate raid. this opened her up to reveal that weapons were made to kill Dragnis in question, judging by her others notes, for her late father was against Dragni's mainly the ones the Yakyuza had protected, until he became one himself through time, not even knowing he was one of them.
  • Vitarius' legacy lives on in Boshiku, even having the same personality and a few features of Vita, expect he is dressed in all white.
  • It is rumored that Fe'Lora's legacy lives on with an unknown offspring. Boshiku, having the sub-conscious of Vitarius, knows where the offspring is located, who was born in Old Japan and taken to France.
  • SWAT was forced to hear out the will of Vitarius, for he was of Japanese blood too, despite his France background.
  • Fe'Lora and her brother, Vitarius are mercenaries and hit-men, whom= joined White Dragon because of their influence. Being in the group for years, Fe'Lora had relations with one of its members, thus resulting in the rumor pregnancy and birth of this unknown child.
  • Lance is also Half-Dragni, his eyes were blue, and blue clan Dragnis are more reaction-happy than other Dragni clan colors. Vitarius and his sister were half-Dragnis as well and had Orange eyes.
  • Lance and Yula, an appearing medic and SWAT transfer member, not only are co-workers, but are dating each other, even before this event, this was evident to Lance embracing her at some point saying that he is not going to lose anyone tonight, including her.
  • Zanato is part of the Takeru (Neoxfoot) dynasty, even though is is not a Dragni. After his short fight with Vitarius, who threw him into a metal wall, Zanato's career was over, for he had not only nearly died, but his spine and left arm had been shattered, and his skull was slightly fractured from the blow. He lived out the rest of his days on a special wheelchair until his death.
  • St. Marc II had a plasma wound to his side. Unknown to everyone, a SWAT member had recovered St. Marc II, but is shot by St. Marc II, who he called a traitor. He shot St. Marc II with a plasma pistol, disregarding Ayumi's word not to, injuring St. Marc II on his side. He was shot again by St. Marc II and his helmet, that had a camera embedded in it was taken by him as well. This SWAT member's actions were correct for St. Marc II was the real criminal and not the hostage.
  • Because of his injury, he could not test power of his android on the SWAT teams raiding the estate. Because Shouboku takes time to boot up, St. Marc II shut him down for prolong hibernation, this is why the android briefly moved and stared glance down with it's cold black eyes and red tears.
  • Scientist wanted to examine the laboratory, but because of the Japanese law regarding the will of people, who are not dead yet, but dying, they are to comply, or a serious action is to befall of them, and lying will only make it worse. Everything had been tossed down SL117, Sea Level i 117 Old Japan.