Foster Rel'Maroni

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Octave Gallian.jpg

Alias: The Frog or simply F.R.O.G (Foster Real’Maroni Original Gangster), The OG

Nationality: Italian

Origin: Italy (currently Chicago, USA)

Height: 6.0

Weight: 178

Age/DoB: 22XX

Group: The Sweets Gang, formerly part of Animal Pack (as a human)

Foster F. Rel’Maroni is a follower of Hector Sweets and is also his right hand man after he came back and survived project AX, which rendered him into a humanoid frog. Frog cannot be understood by anyone whatsoever without his communication collar, which looks like a sparling gold chain. Because of his standing with the Sweets Gang, he operates elsewhere and makes contact with his boss on a number of occasions. At times without his collar, it was hard for some of his men to understand him because of his repetitive fast-paced croaking, and Frog thinks his men could understand him, and out of anger if they don’t, he puts a bullet in one of their heads at point blank range or removes the clothing and drag them down a lake to drown them, other times he whips his men or foes into shape with his tongue, which hurts even more then a cracking whip. He may not be understandable, but his gestures pretty much tells you what he is saying. Foster subjected himself to project AX (cross atom cross), which was directed under one of Sarcosa’s men, who sided was also branched with The Establishment. He survived and had a slight increase in some of his abilities and he is also could jump higher and recover easily from shock damage. Anyone higher then him in power, she shows respect by remaining silent and he takes orders from them. He is one of Jenji’s enemies and soon James and company, and he is easily underestimated by many who face him. At times his he doesn’t care of his actions as long as the job is done or if he successfully gains a close enough on the job.


He is a dark green frog looking humanoid, with black suit, black shoes and clean white gloves and a shiny clean red tie, and he is often smoking cigars. He also sports a red rose on his suit.


  • His character was based on a number of characters in the show called Sapranos.
  • He is Italian however; he is part of a gang containing other races. However the crew runs by him are Italian convicts.
  • Foster owns a revolver gun.
  • His weakness is cold temperatures, for if he is heat by extremely cold temperatures, it doesn’t kill him, but immobilizes him for a long period of time. When going up against meta-humans with ice abilities, he uses flamethrowers or uses propane gas in forms of soda bottles, throws and shoots the can, igniting his foes fi they are close.
  • Foster is also sexist, for when taking orders from Lelia Sheer, he is usually pissed off afterwards, but follows them anyway. He was rumor to have nearly killed his girlfriend Anita, before he was turn into a frog, by trying to drive off a cliff into a lake with her inside the car, but he hopped out.
  • Foster is against other members of Project AX, mainly the ones who broke away from The Establishment, hence the only reason why Lone, a man forced into the project, is among his targets.
  • He is easily angered, without his collar, he cannot be understood unless he makes gestures. His own men fears him because he holds a gun every time he tries to talk and shows little eye contact towards his men, so if he shoots one of them, they won’t see it coming because his eyes are on them always.