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Tina Castle

Nationality: American

Origin: America, current was UK

Height: 5.8

Age/DoB: 22XX (death/killed at age 19-20)

Tina Castle was a free spirited American girl who decided to take up her studies abroad and into the United Kingdom as an exchange student. Unknown to her, her father, was very greedy. Since the passing of Tina's mother, she put Tina in her will to inherit millions when she reaches the age of 16, however, Tina was about to be 17. During the months in the UK, her father was able to sapped money from the account without Tina knowing, even from Tina's account resulting in her being stuck in UK. Tina literally had to take up residence in the UK and eventually befriending others who share the same abilities as her, other meta humans, and eventually joined a group called the Freedom Fighters, with the lead being Flo. Despite the mysterious murders going on in the UK of meta humans, Flo and Tina and the group tried to change the people's minds that meta humans can do good as well, and soon they ran into a petty thief known as The London Wolf, who loves to challenge Flo, and bash on Tina for being an American, but despite this, the rivals seem to play frienemy with Tina and the others. Soon Tina aided to defeating Butch, a gangster who is trying to be known on a number of occasions, resulting in Butch soon allying himself with The Establishment.

Tina soon got the millions of dollars her mother left for her, since her father died, his account was given to her for use. She knew of her father's corruption, but still forgave him, and instead of going back home to the States, she remained in the UK, and gave all her money to help the poor, the people who are hungry, etc. For she didn't care about money because she was 100% carefree person who just loved life. Tina has the ability of Intangibility, she was cocky and overly confidence when dealing with her foes, but was able to take them down regardless, for instance, she literally dance her way in front of a gunmen from Butch's gang and disarmed him effortlessly as he was confused of what Tina could do. Despite her powerful ability, she still succumb to the Red Ghost's manipulation, resulting in a breakage of her concentration, and her demise. Tina had since been dead, but she is, and of her group, survived by Marisa Clou, her former rival, her friend and sister.


Tina had the ability of Intangibility. However, she had to be moving constantly and have positive sense of concentration to prevent a drop in her abilities. For instance, during some run ins with Butch and company, she was able to walk up, dancing, to a gunmen unfazed before knocking him or any of her foes with a wooden bat. Bullets, objects, etc just pass right through her effortlessly.

Tina carries headphones, a wooden bat and shin guards.

Tina Castle was a member of Flo's freedom fighters in the UK who wanted to make a difference, and their common enemy was Butch, a criminal who was new to the game of gangs. Tina, Flo and friends defeated Butch a number of times until Butch decided to get some allies, the ones who were killing off meta humans.

Tragic Death

Tina and the others were tricked into fighting rival meta humans only to be caught up in a shoot out. Tina and friends teamed up with their rivals to beat the armed men sent by Butch, however, they were ambushed seconds afterwards by a man with a robotic arm, the first of the group members who perished was Jawdrop. Tina tried to escape the old facility with Marisa Clou, only to be separated from where and witnessing London Wolf being killed.

Tina and her boyfriend attempted to fight the gunmen, however, the two got overwhelmed, and Tina was captured and told to stop using her powers for they had her boyfriend with a gun to his head. She stopped and she was knocked out, captured in the process.

Tina was captured and her boyfriend and her joked and sweet talked the guards in an attempted to escape. A man in a red hood walked in and spoke, saying he knew of Tina's abilities for sometime now, with Tina taunting the man saying if he is some perv stalker that have seen her before. The man chuckled and uttered something in Korean, telling her to be quite. The man removed his hooded and Tina was in shock on his appearance. An Asian man with long blonde hair and eyes as if he stared death cold in the face. He said to Tina that her little group were against one of his employers, and he told her that something has to be done to stop the damage. He told Tina that he killed all who were against Butch's gang and will do the same with everyone she loves in that group.

Tina told the man that she can break free from here if she wants, but he quickly pointed a gun at her and directed it to her boyfriend, who was still bleeding from the fight with the gunmen earlier. The man told Tina that in order to find weakness, that he has to cause something to happen, to which he aimed t Tina's boyfriend's leg, then slowly moved his gun to his chest, then his head, eventually killing Tina's boyfriend, saying that he was a threat to England anyway. Tina's concentration broke, and she began to cry, saying she will kill the man, to which the man uttered his name, Sai. Sai took Tina's goggles and removed a chip from it, saying that it will be easier to get the queen bee of the group, mocking the freedom fighters. Tina started to yell and Sai patted her on the head, saying at least the grunts tried to fight, and named all those he killed in Tina's group and uttered Tina's name, to which Tina's eyes got big and Sai executed her at point blank range.

Hours later, Marisa Clou was scouting the area to look for London Wolf, but she only found his top-hat, already assuming the worse. Then she stumbled upon her former rival's yellow jacket. She was in fear and rushed back to Flo to tell the news, only to witness the death of Flo moments later. Tina's body, along with Jawdrop, London Wolf and the others were missing, with the exception of a tophat and a jacket in Marisa Clou possession. It is unknown to why Sai was ordered by the Establishment to take the bodies of his victims back to HQ.

Marisa Clou was lead to believe 100% that Tina and everyone else died by Butch's ally, The secret crime syndicate of England, The Establishment.


  • Tina Castle's Theme Song from the old unfinished beta of the game.
  • Tina's jacket belongs to Marisa Clou, who wore it not only in remembrance of Tina, but Flo's team and family.
  • Tina and her group were able to track each other with a special low tech gps chip in their goggles and or headset gear.
  • Marisa Clou and Tina Castle were rivals for months, however, their confrontation was more frienemy based, same could be said about London Wolf's grew.
  • Tina was the only member of the group who is American, due to her father abandoning her for Tina's inheritance.
  • Tina Castle's character and personality was inspired by the character Ella from Spike Lee's Do The Right Thing and Lyndsy Fonseca's chracter from Kick-Ass.